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If you own a business or plan to start one that uses commercial vehicles, you’re going to need a Commercial Auto Insurance policy. Even if you use your daily driver for work, you’re still going to need a Commercial Car Insurance policy. A standard auto insurance policy will not provide the coverage for your vehicle when it is used for work. Below we give you some information commercial and standard auto insurance.
Liability Limits(Sub Title)
Commercial Auto Insurance comes with more liability coverage options than regular auto insurance. It will cover passengers, customers, employees, and work equipment. Usually, normal auto policies only cover the driver and sometimes the passengers.
Employees(Sub Title)
As mentioned above, employees are covered on your Commercial Auto Insurance policy. So, say an employee drives your car, but you don’t have business auto coverage. If that employee crashes, your regular insurance will not cover them for any injuries and they can in turn sue you for hospital bills. If you do have the vehicle covered by business auto insurance, your policy will take care of the car and their medical bills.
Vehicle Types(Sub Title)
Normal auto policies usually cover the standard vehicles you see on the road: cars, pickup trucks, SUVs, etc. Commercial Auto Insurance covers these vehicles, but they also cover trucks (dump trucks, box trucks, food trucks), utility vans, limos, taxis, flatbeds, and more. You can also cover multiple company vehicles under the same policy with Business Auto Coverage.
If your business requires the use of vehicles, be sure to protect your company, vehicles, equipment, customers, and employees with a policy from a reliable Commercial Auto Insurance carrier. SkyBlue Insurance represents some of the leading providers of Commercial Car Insurance. If you need protection for your commercial vehicles, give us a call. You can also get started by requesting a free Commercial Auto Insurance quote to get your results instantly.
Commercial Liability Auto Insurance(button Title)
Commercial Auto InsuranceThis is the single most important part of any commercial auto insurance policy. this is the portion of your commercial auto insurance or trucking insurance which satisfies state and federal obligations for minimum financial responsibility requirements.
Essentially if you cannot prove that you can be held financially responsible for your actions or the actions of your employees behind the wheel of your company cars, then you are not legally allowed to operate them on public roadways. There are several criteria which a policy must meet in order to satisfy commercial liability insurance requirements.
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